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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

External Communications for Parents/Carers and School Community

This section of the school website is for external communication that school receives and asked to be passed on to parents.  The purpose of this is to minimise the amount of emails that come from school directly to parents. 

Links to these communications will be added to the weekly school newsletter on a Friday.  We hope by doing this that it helps with communication, which is what came up from the communication survey we did the end of the summer term 2022.

October 2024 Half Term Activities 

Buckden Library are hosting a large selection of workshops over the Autumn half term. Please see the attached letter for details.

St. Ives Museum is also offering a range of activities over the half term to.









Sophie's Fundraiser 

Please see the link and help raise money for Sophie who was involved in an accident on her way to football training. She was hit by a vehicle and is currently in hospital; her helmet saved her life!



SEND Sessions at 360 Play 

360 Play are running SEND sessions, see below poster for further details.



Plus, in January, April and September, 360 Play are hosting their annual Parent and Toddler Fayre. This is a great way for expecting, new and current parents of babies and toddlers to browse through relevant stalls to gain knowledge, sign up to classes or future nurseries and schools.




360 Play 

Milton Keynes






Rushden Lakes

School Preference Adviser for Cambridgeshire 

Cambridgeshire have recently appointed a Parents' School Preference Adviser for Cambridgeshire, as part of the SENDIASS team.

The service offers families advice and support when applying for schools, either when admissions open for transition on the 11th September 2023 or for in-year applications. They are able to advise how the transfer and admissions process works, as well as supporting the understanding of policies and criteria for different schools. Also, they can support in the appeals process and issues concerning transport.

For further details and help, please email: