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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Absences & Sickness

All sickness should be reported to

Please see below our current information regarding administering medicine and application for leave during term time for pupils.

To view our Attendance Policy and Emotional Based School Absence (EBSA) Policy, please go to our
Policy Page (click on the Policies tab on the home page) and select Policies followed by Statutory Policies.


Administer Medicine 

Please click the following link to download the parental agreement for the school to administer medicine to your child.

We can only administer medicine that has been prescribed by a doctor, clearly labelled and has a dosage of four times a day.

Please submit a completed form to the school office either by paper copy or email



We cannot administer non-prescribed medications such as liquid paracetamol/ibuprofen/anti-histamine etc. We ask that parents come into school themselves to administer these medicines to their child themselves.

Buckden CE Primary Application for Leave 

Please find our current form needed for parents/carers to apply for a leave of absence.



Please submit a completed form to the school office either electronically, by paper copy or email