Friday 17th May 2024
Please make sure you are logging all your reading and practice your spellings for your test on Monday.
Group 1 Words: ice, ace, mice, city, race
Group 2 Words: circle, place, slice, twice, cylinder. Can i slice a circle twice?
The children have been working very hard this week. They have thoroughly enjoyed their History where we have been looking at farming through time. What did farming look like in each era we have covered so far.
We have come to the end of our English book 'The Secret Sky Garden' and the children have loved learning about the story. The children have loved discussions on how we can help our world and the environment we live in.
In DT we have been learning how to chop fruit/food correctly. The children are aware of the dangers of holding a knife and the correct bridge hold. This is in preparation of their fruit kebabs they will be making next week.
In phonics we have been learning 'dge' 'ge' sound. The children are great at recognising their diagraphs and trigraphs within all words.
We have come to the end of our fractions learning in Maths. We have worked on quarter and half. The children will be moving onto position and direction.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us on our year 1 email.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 1 Team