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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 10th November

Talk Homework: Talk to your adults about what you like doing when you are out and about.

Remember to log all reading onto Boomreader to collect gems.

Spellings: shirt, twirl, stirs, first, many 


Spellings: sir, girl, dirt, bird, Mr

The children have had a great second week back.

In English we have been exploring poems. Towards the end of the week we were looking at ways to describe water. The children have written some great sentences about what they like about water, the noises of water and activities to do in the water.

In Maths, we have started subtraction. The children have been fantastic learning about the different strategies to help them subtract. We have been really impressed by their maths learning.

Within our global learning we have been looking at Industry within Buckden. The children have really enjoyed understanding and thinking about what services Buckden has to help support the community.

In science, the children have been classifying what objects in the classroom are made of what matierals. The children have really enjoyed thinking and investigating the different everyday objects and were really good at it. 

Mozart class really enjoyed visiting the library and were a credit to the school during our visit, thank you to our volunteers. Franklin class library visit is on Monday afternoon.