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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 27th January 2023

Spellings: fly, cry, reply, try, July

This week we have been learning about different coins and notes in maths- we had great fun adding amounts! In English, we have been learning how to writing successful character descriptions- we read a book called Little Rabbit Foo Foo and did a class character description about it. We included expanded noun phrases and included detail clear enough for our buddies to draw what we described. In PE, we have continued our balancing and travelling in gymnastics... but this week... on benches and beams! In Art, we have been making our fabric germs, applying our fraying, plaiting and knotting skills to replicate the shape and patterns of bacteria or a virus. In RE we have been learning about Islam and their celebrations and traditions during Ramadan. We learnt that Muslims fast to show gratitude for what they have and use this time to reflect on those less fortunate. 

Shruthi- 'I enjoyed writing a character description, mine was about a brave girl.'

Matilda S- 'I enjoyed describing Little Rabbit Foo Foo'

Olivia H- 'I have enjoyed doing times tables  in maths'

Harry- 'I enjoyed learning about Little Rabbit Foo, my favourite part was when we had to write about it'

Isla-'I enjoyed art when we were plaiting, knotting and fraying'

Olivia E- 'I enjoyed PE when we practised shooting in netball'.

Bruce, our Buckden Badger is off on his first adventure this weekend with Mila- hope you have fun together!

Happy Friday!

Miss Bennett