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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


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  • Friday 13th January 2023

    Published 13/01/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk to your grown-ups about the teen numbers. We know that ten is made up of ten ones, or it can be shown using one ten! Eleven is made up of 1 ten and 1 one. 12 is made up of 1 ten and 2 ones. Can you show your grown-ups the value of the numbers up to 19 drawing a ten stick and different amounts of ones?


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their numbers eleven to sixteen on Monday. Please ensure your child has practised the dictation sentence too.

    In English this week we have started our new Power of Reading book. We don’t know what it’s called yet but we have made some assumptions about the new characters that we have been introduced to! Anna is brave and likes adventures – the crocodile isn’t so keen! We are looking forward to finding out more about the story next week.   

    In Maths this week we have been looking at numbers over 10. We have focused on place value, looking at how numbers above 10 have two digits, the first digit represents the value of 10 and the second digit represents the number of ones in the number. For example, 15 is 1 ten and 5 ones. The children have worked really hard using a range of manipulatives to show their understanding of place value and we will continue this next week.

    In RE this week we learned about the story of the Creation of the Earth. We acted out the story and took pictures of our freeze frames. We will be using these next week to retell the story to help us remember it!

    In PE this week the children have enjoyed learning about controlling a football using their feet, including dribbling, changing direction and stopping the football. The children showed good skill and control and we are really excited to focus on passing next week. In gymnastic the children were amazing at showing the different ways in which our bodies can move when we travel, and we looked at moving in unison with synchronised body movements, and even looked at mirroring our movements!

    In History this week the children have enjoyed learning about Captain James Cook, who explored the oceans three times and discovered new countries on the other side of the world!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Spellings Week Commencing 09.01.23

    Published 10/01/23, by Admin
    This week's spellings are based on our maths learning, where we are learning to recognise numbers to 20. 1. eleven 2. twelve 3. thirteen 4. fourteen 5. fifteen 6. sixteen Dictation: My sister is eleven years old. These spelli
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  • Friday 6th January 2023

    Published 06/01/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have introduced our new Science topic ‘Animals, Including Humans’. Talk to your grown-ups about the different types of animals that you know. Think about their features – do they have wings, legs, feathers, fur? We will be looking in more detail at this next week!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    Spellings will be coming home with the children on Tuesday 10th January so that they can learn them. They will be tested on Monday 16th January.

    In English this week we have had a focus on letter formation, handwriting and dictation. The children have been using their knowledge of the phonemes that we have learnt so far this year to support them in writing sentences containing these sounds. We have also had lots of opportunities to practise our cursive handwriting, the children have impressed us with their hard work.   

    In Maths this week we have been shape detectives! The children have learnt the names of lots of 3D shapes, have been building using a range of these shapes and have been talking about the properties of the shapes that they have used.

    In RE this week we have talked about our wonderful world. We talked about creation, and how we can follow a number of rules to look after our planet. The children came up with some really considerate ideas and rules to follow in order to help our environment.

    The children have come back in with a super attitude towards their learning and we are looking forward to seeing them continue to work hard!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Tuesday 20th December 2022

    Published 20/12/22, by Admin
    Talk homework Talk about the Christmas story. Can you tell your grownups the story from start to finish? You could even draw the story or act it out with your family! Reading Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our ne
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  • Friday 9th December 2022

    Published 09/12/22, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk about the objects that move around your house. Can you find any examples of objects that move using wheels? Explore how they move and be ready to share in our DT learning next week.

    Please can you bring in ANY cardboard boxes that you have at home ready for our DT project on Tuesday. Any cardboard of any size (up to A4) would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their spellings on Monday morning. This will be their final test before Christmas.

    In English this week the children have been introduced to our new book, The Jolly Christmas Postman. We explored what a Postman/woman does as part of their job and we looked at some clues in the package that we received and predicted who the Postman may be delivering his satchel of parcels, letters and packages to! We began to story map the journey that the Postman took during his day at work.

    In Maths this week we have continued to look at subtraction and the children completed their unit of work by showing us everything that they have learned so far. They did really well and could talk about our learning.

    In PE this week, the children explored tag rugby through a game called Cat and Mouse. The mice had to try and escape the cats by dodging, ducking and pivoting to change direction and to avoid getting their tail (rugby tag) removed! They loved the challenge and we will continue to explore this next week in our outdoor PE lesson.

    We have continued our skills builder project today where the teams of children created their own logo for their postal service. They used their listening, teamwork and creativity skills today and really showed us what they could do. We are really excited to complete this project next week, in which the children will sort and post all of the school’s Christmas cards on Friday!

    If your child would like to send Christmas cards, please make sure that they write the recipients full name, year group and class name on the envelopes so that our little helpers can send the post to the correct class.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 2nd December 2022

    Published 02/12/22, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been looking at subtracting or ‘taking away’ in different ways. Talk to your adults about the different ways of subtracting numbers, for example by using a number line to count back in ones, using objects and counting what is left and by counting up to find the whole.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    Although we sent the spellings out this week on our class blogs, the children didn’t come home with their spelling words this week as our printer has been poorly! We will therefore be giving you all another week to practise the spellings AND the dictation sentence. The children will come home with their spelling words tomorrow and will be tested on these spellings on Monday 12th December to ensure that they have enough time to learn them.

    In English this week the children have been looking at a range of different poems, with a focus on rhythm and rhyme. The children worked super hard in their teams to learn a poem as a group and we look forward to hearing them perform them to the class tomorrow!   

    In Maths this week we have moved on to look at subtraction within 10. The children have explored taking away by moving objects away and counting the remaining objects left, counting up to the whole in order to find the missing part, and by using a number line to count back in jumps of one.

    In Science this week we helped Ted in the rain! We conducted a fair test experiment to find out which material would make the best umbrella to keep Ted dry. We now know that a fair test means that we must test in the same conditions to get a fair outcome, and we also know that plastic is a super material to keep us dry as it is ‘waterproof’ which means that if water is poured onto it, it will run off rather than soak through, unlike materials such as paper, tissue and fabric. The children enjoyed predicting which material they thought would be the best and most of the children were correct!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Spellings

    Published 29/11/22, by Admin

    Group 1
    Mrs Day gave us some sweets. 

    Group 2
    One day some people will ask for help. 

    Group 3
    Some children could use a day at your house.

    The children will be tested on these on Monday 5th December.

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  • Friday 25th November 2022

    Published 25/11/22, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk to your grown-ups about the word ‘bendy’. What materials have the property of being ‘bendy’?. Find some objects around the house and predict if you think that they will bend or not. Which materials are good at bending? Which materials are not so good at bending? Why/why not?


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as We will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    Please continue to practise your spellings over the weekend, they will be tested on Monday.

    In English this week the children have been working hard on writing sentences that have been dictated aloud to them. We have been focusing on using our ears to hear every sound in each word, using a phonic mat to find the matching sound and writing the grapheme down to form words and sentences. We will continue to do this weekly to support the children’s confidence in writing more independently. 

    In Maths this week we have been looking at Fact Families! The children have been given a part-whole model with a whole and two parts. The children have understood that a part + a part = the whole. They have also understood that when we take a part away from the whole, it leaves the other part. The children have built up their understanding and can now write four addition and subtraction facts to form a fact family!

    For example:

    2 + 4 = 6
    4 + 2 = 6
    6 – 2 = 4
    6 – 4 = 2.

    The children have worked so hard and can even find the missing part, using their knowledge of fact families to help them.

    In Science this week we investigated the property of ‘bendiness’ in different materials. We found different objects around the classroom and predicted whether we thought they would bend or not. The children then tested the bendiness of the materials and recorded their findings. We learned that metal is the least bendy as it is super strong, and that paper is really bendy as it is very weak. We also learned that some plastic is bendy and other plastic isn’t – plastic is a very versatile material!

    We have begun our Skills Builder project ‘Special Delivery’ in which we will be working in teams to sort and deliver the school’s Christmas cards this year. We worked on our listening, teamwork and leadership skills this week and will continue this on the build up to Christmas!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Have a fabulous weekend, we hope to see you at the Light Switch on on Sunday!
    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Spellings

    Published 22/11/22, by Admin

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3



















    My mum and I went for a walk.

    That has to be my best work.

    What is out there?

    My mum told me this is my best work.

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  • Friday 18th November 2022

    Published 18/11/22, by Admin
    Talk homework Talk to your grownups about the different ways to describe mud. Can you think of any adjectives (describing words) to describe what it is like? What do you like to do in the mud? Challenge: You could even write your own mud poem to g
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  • Spellings

    Published 15/11/22, by Admin

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3



















    He said no by the old man.  

    I was very happy when I saw mum come by.

    They all looked very happy after school.   

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  • Friday 11th November 2022

    Published 11/11/22, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk about what we have been learning about in Maths this week. Addition is where two numbers are put together to find the total amount. Talk about the different ways and resources you can used to add two numbers together.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as We will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    Please continue to practise your spellings over the weekend, they will be tested on Monday.

    We have had a busy week in Year 1!

    In English we have been exploring poems and looking in detail at the language used to create an image. We have written a shared poem about Mud, using the children’s ideas and vocabulary to paint a picture in the readers’ mind.

    In Maths this week we have introduced addition. We have practised adding two numbers together by counting them all (using resources to support us), by adding the second number to the first number, and using a number line to find the first number and count on in ones to find the second number. Today we solved word problems and the children were super maths detectives in finding the information and solving the number problems.

    On Thursday we went on a walk around the village to identify the different types of industry in Buckden. We walked via the shops, to the library and the pre-school, past the tennis courts and the bowling green, down to the Church and the Towers, passing the Lion and the George Hotel on our way. On the way back, we spotted the dentist and of course, the school as part of Buckden’s industry. We talked about the different services these building provide for the community and the children behaved wonderfully, they were a credit to the school.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Have a lovely weekend,
    The Year 1 Team

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