Week 5 - Blog 07-10-2022
Talk Homework: To talk about the process of fossilisation.
Reading: Read daily, if possible, and log this on Boom Reader.
Spellings: words ending in '-sure': measure, treasure, pleasure, leisure, sure, closure, unsure & reassure.
Maths: Please continue to use TTrockstars. We have been focusing on our 2 times tables in class as well as dividing by 2.
This week we've been enjoying pivoting in Netball. In rugby, we practised running with the ball safely and how to avoid being tagged. All the children enjoyed and participated well in both PE lessons which was excellent to see.
We enjoyed science this week, we talked about our investigations of rock characteristics last week. We also started to learn about fossilisation and even got to touch fossils that were millions of years old! We learnt about the process of how fossils are made and that it takes a really, really long time!
In maths, we have started adding in 1s, 10s and 100s confidently. We have used our knowledge of place value to help us with if we are adding in 1s, 10s or 100s. All the children have enjoyed and shown excellent understanding, this will help for more difficult questions in the future.
We finished reading our English book - 'The Pebble in my Pocket'. We have looked at the life of Neanderthals and how they would have lived. We even produced our own cave paintings in the school playground with chalk.
In DT, we finished off our cross stitch practise and began to design our bookmarks. We will begin to make these next week.
Keep reading your AR chapter books at home. Each half-term every student has a set goal for reading books so these need to be taken home and brought back into school.
Well done Newt class on an excellent week.