School investigation- how bouncy are different materials?
School investigation- how bouncy are different materials?
Physics Day!
Mrs Tarpey and Mrs Wall started Science week by showing us lots of fun experiments in assembly that we could also do at home.
"I thought it was clever when the egg popped into the bottle without being touched."
Talk homework: how can you be more responsible and sustainable with your clothes?
Talk homework: Why are there more primary sources of information for WW2 than there are for toter time periods we have looked at?
Talk homework: look at your food packaging, especially fruit and vegetables, and see where in the world it was grown.
Reminder: Please have PE kits in everyday
Talk homework: to share what you learnt about animals life cycles. Can you describe the differences between mammals and insets life cycles?
Talk homework: how many of the 10 plagues do you remember?
Crazy hair!!
Talk homework: What facilities need to be in public buildings? Look at floor plans and think about accessibility for all who would visit.
Also please remember to bring in a shoebox (we need 13 for Wednesday). Thank you
Talk homework: Can you find examples of things at home where levers, pulleys or gears are used.