Friday 13th May 2022
Talk Homework: Practice counting money at home by playing shops.
Spellings: some, nothing, done, mother, other
*Previous post did not save!
This week we have been working really hard on our writing. We have written letters to the Pasha explaining our reasons for and against sending Zeraffa Giraffa to the King of France- we even included conjunctions! In maths we have been revising our shape knowledge- we went outside and explored 3D shapes and their properties. We also recapped partitioning into tens and ones- can you tell your parents some of the different ways you can partition 94? On Monday, we all went to the allotment- it was great to be in the sunshine! Some of us went on a hunt to find all the living things in the allotment habitat, others helped to plant new vegetables in our patch! In RE we learnt about the story of Daniel and the Lions- we even performed this to Year 2! In science we have been learning about healthy eating- we designed our own healthy eating plates including the right proportions of all five food types.
Week Beginning 16/5/22 is Walk to School Week!
Hope you *had a great weekend!
Miss Bennett