Friday 29th April 2022
Talk Homework: Revise your facts about giraffes in preparation for fact file writing- can you extend your facts using conjunctions?
Spellings: dropped, patted, napped, clapped, dragged
This week, in English, we have been learning all about giraffes. We conducted research and have been note-taking facts about their diet, habitat, appearance and finding other interesting facts! Did you know giraffes have three hearts? In maths, we have been continuing our learning of measurement, focusing on capacity and reading scales. We also have been solving problems which require knowledge of our 2, 5, 10 times tables. In global, we have been learning about Victorian workhouses- we have explored life in the workhouse, including their routines, living conditions and food. In PE, we have been preparing for sports day and dancing to represent the growth of plants in the garden.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Bennett