Friday 14th January 2022
Talk Homework- retell The Lonely Beast to your family as if you were writing a diary entry.
Spellings: wrote, write, wriggle, wrong, wrap
We have really enjoyed PE this week- we have been practising our passes, focusing on chest pass and bounce pass. In dance, we have been looking at different ways to move through water. In English, we have been learning about 'The Lonely Beast'- our favourite lessons included acting out the story, drawing a story mountain and writing a diary entry. In RE, we have been learning about compassion and read an Islamic story called 'The Crying Camel' which Muslims believe shows that Allah is compassionate. In maths, we have been doing multiplication through arrays and drawing equal groups. On Wednesday, we learnt about bullying and online safety- we had lots of discussions and made an anti-bullying comic strip and posters to promote staying safe online.
Michael- 'I enjoyed the school photos- I did my best smile!'
Leon- 'I liked learning about toilets and school photos!'
David- 'I enjoyed doing maths when we were drawing equal groups in different ways'
Lily-Mae- ' I enjoyed learning about The Lonely Beast and the school photos!'
Freya- ' This week I enjoyed getting my flu vaccine- it tickled!'
Happy Friday!
Miss Bennett