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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 21st May

Durrell Class have enjoyed painting the glaze on our vessels. We will be putting them in the kiln next week. We have put some glass beads in the bottom and we are excited to see what happens.

The children this week have produced some amazing writing in English. They have written from a character perspective and a poem, thinking about how to use positive vocabulary to create a joyful mood for the reader.In our SPAG lessons we have been identifying active and passive voice, the children worked very hard on this and persevered when things got tough!

In our Geography lessons we have used longitude and latitude to identify places on a map and discussed how the position of different countries aorund the world can effect the crops grown.

Whilst studying our SDG topic Zero Hunger this week, we have looked at what GM crops are and possible advantages and disadvantages they could bring. 


Discuss what could have happened to Emily and Lizzie, from our Power of Reading book 'Street Child', in preparation for writing a story about them next week.