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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Gerald Durrell




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  • Friday 9th July

    Published 08/07/21, by Admin

    In year 5 we have been thinking about 'What changes can we make to our lifestyles that will have a positive impact on our global footprint for the fashion industry?' Therefore, we have been making bags from recycled material. First, we designed our bags, then we made a prototype out of newspaper to check our dimensions and used this as our pattern. We have found sewing a challenge, but we have risen to it and our teachers have been very proud of our problem-solving skills. We hope to complete our bags by the end of term.

    In other Global learning lessons we have been looking at the work involved in making a t-shirt - The Global Supply Chain. Children have been discussing the amount different people earn within the chain and how some people are struggling to survive and live on their wages!

    We have also finished our Power of Reading book 'Way Home' about the journey of a boy and a cat. The children are now planning their own journey story in the style of this book. They have some great ideas and i can't wait to read them all next week.


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  • Friday 25th June SCIENCE WEEK

    Published 24/06/21, by Admin

    This week in school we have participated in Science Week. Over the course of 3 days, the children have been thinking about innovations for the future, art in science and how to answer a scientific enquiry. We have had many fantastic discussions where the children have had to use their previous scientific knowledge or awareness of the environment to help them answer or think about solutions to problems. 

    They have designed windmills to find out if the size of the sail would alter the speed it rotates? and designed a new product to solve a small or big problem within the world. From their observations i am sure that some of these children would make fantastic scientists in the future.

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  • Friday 18th June

    Published 17/06/21, by Admin

    This week in maths we have continued our work on converting measures, looking at imperial and metric units of measures. The children have worked really hard at this and have made their own reference books to support their own learning.

    In English the children wrote some lovely pieces of writing based upon the excitement of the hot air balloon landing on the school field. The children's writing was entertaining and informative. The event obviously inspired them!

    During DT the children have started making their patterns for their bags. Some of their designs are extremely creative and we can't wait to see the finished product.

    Talk Homework - Look at where in the world their clothes are made. Discuss why their clothes may originate in different countries.

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  • Friday 28th May

    Published 27/05/21, by Admin

    This week the children have been writing their own sequel to the class reader 'street child'. They have done a fantastic job, using their knowledge about the time period and English language to create riveting stories. 

    The children have also finished their powerpoint presentations which were all about Zero hunger. They have included information about the impact natural disasters can have on food production, organic foods and the pros and cons of GM crops. They have also included information about labelling on food and what needs to be included by law.

    Last week all the children made their bread products which was hugely successful. I am sure they have told you all about this!

    Enjoy half term and we will see you in June!

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  • Friday 21st May

    Published 20/05/21, by Admin

    Durrell Class have enjoyed painting the glaze on our vessels. We will be putting them in the kiln next week. We have put some glass beads in the bottom and we are excited to see what happens.

    The children this week have produced some amazing writing in English. They have written from a character perspective and a poem, thinking about how to use positive vocabulary to create a joyful mood for the reader.In our SPAG lessons we have been identifying active and passive voice, the children worked very hard on this and persevered when things got tough!

    In our Geography lessons we have used longitude and latitude to identify places on a map and discussed how the position of different countries aorund the world can effect the crops grown.

    Whilst studying our SDG topic Zero Hunger this week, we have looked at what GM crops are and possible advantages and disadvantages they could bring. 

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  • Friday 30th April

    Published 29/04/21, by Admin

    This week in Gerald Durrell the children have worked particularly hard with their writing creating some lovely information texts about Victorian Workhouses.

    During Computing the children have continued with their powerpoint on the topic zero hunger, learning how to insert a hyperlink.

    ;The children have continued with netball this week, focusing on shooting. 

    In science we have been planning an investigation where we are finding out how much changing a particular variable impacts on a plants germination.  We have made the pots out of newspaper so that when you plant it it is biodegradable. 

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  • Friday 23rd April

    Published 22/04/21, by Admin

    Talk Homework:

    Why do we eat? Why is it important to eat?

    What foods do you like to eat? 

    What foods remind you of certain things?

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  • Friday 17th April

    Published 15/04/21, by Admin

    The children have made a really good start back to school after the Easter holidays and it has been lovely to see them playing together at break and lunchtimes across the two year 5 classes.

    This week we have started a new text in English and the children have had some fantastic class discussions about life in Victorian times, especially lives for children during this time period.

    In maths we have started looking at percentages, fractions and decimals. Annabel described it as 'challenging but fun!.

    In PSHE we have started looking at what it means to have a healthy lifestyle. We have focused upon the three areas of physical,emotional and social health.

    TALK HOMEWORK - Discuss or carry out some research into what life was like in a Victorian Workhouse.

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  • Friday 26th March

    Published 26/03/21, by Admin

    Happy Easter Holidays Everyone!! 

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  • Friday 19th March

    Published 19/03/21, by Admin

    Talk homework: Next week you are going to be writing your own version of our story 'The Promise.' Please start to think about what characters you are going to have and talk through some ideas about what your story will be about - remembering that it needs to follow a similar plot / idea to 'The Promise.'

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  • Friday 12th March

    Published 12/03/21, by Admin

    Talk Homework:

    Why do you think the girl ran away from the lady after she asked her to keep a promise? What do you think that promise is and do you think the girl will keep her promise?

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  • Home learning wb 01.03.21

    Published 26/02/21, by Admin

    An overview of next week's home learning

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