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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 21st May 2021

Your talk homework this week is to tell your adults at home all about the different seeds and bulbs we have planted this half-term. Think back to when we planted our tomato plants, our runner beans, our conkers and acorns, and when we went to the allotment and planted the vegetables in our patch!  How did we plant them? What do they need to grow?

This week the children have been showing us what they know in lots of different areas of the curriculum! 

Arya loved celebrating World Bee Day yesterday, where we learned lots of facts about Bees! Carys loved planting some seeds in different environments to see which would grow the best. Madeline enjoyed going to the allotment on Monday where we weeded a monstrous patch and prepared it for year 6 to plant some vegetables! Alfie has enjoyed telling the time this week and has mastered half past the hour! Alex enjoyed telling the time too, and we've even started to look at quarter past and quarter to! Sonny loved Rock Steady where he plays the drums. Omar has enjoyed World Bee Day and loved colouring his picture and writing facts. James loved going to the allotment and learning more about the Work Houses! Hollie loved helping to weed the Year 6 patch at the allotment and got really stuck in! Sophie has really enjoyed practising and improving her handwriting this week, she's even joining some of her letters! Jasper has loved learning to tell the time this week! Kyan has loved everything this week, in particular getting mucky at the allotment! Charlotte loved making her clay 'balanced plate' where we cut, shaped and etched different food groups onto them - they're drying out ready for the kiln over the weekend, and we hope to paint them next week! Darin has enjoyed playing hit the button this week, where he has mastered his number bonds to 10 and doubling too! Emily-Rose has enjoyed learning more about the Work Houses. Ellie-Louise has enjoyed everything this week, and has worked really hard too, to help her buddy with their learning.

Next week we will be making and tasting flapjack, before improving the recipe by adding some ingredient choices of our own. Please see the parentmail from Wednesday 19th May as to what ingredients you can send your child into school with, and the amount they will need. We will be providing some ingredients just in case!

One more week to go!

Have a lovely weekend,
Best wishes,
Thunberg Class.