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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Greta Thunberg



World Book Day Activities!

To celebrate World Book Day this year, we have been asked to perform a poem of our choice.

Michael Rosen is one of our favourite Authors and Poets, we are HUGE fans and love watching him perform his own poems. There are lots of examples of these on Youtube, such as Chocolate Cake, Strict, Michael's Big Book of Bad Things, to name a few! 

We found it really tricky to choose our favourite poem to perform in our school bubble, but in the end we chose 'Hand on the Bridge', a poem with an interesting rhythm, repetition, and opportunities to perform with our bodies. 

Please see below, our own version of Michael Rosen's 'Hand on the Bridge', as performed by our lovely Year 2 Bubble!

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  • Wednesday 14th July 2021

    Published 14/07/21, by Admin
    What a year! Despite unexpected and extremely different circumstances, the children have worked so hard and they have shown the most incredible resilience which we are so proud of. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your
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  • Friday 9th July 2021

    Published 09/07/21, by Admin

    Your talk homework this week is to talk to your adults at home all about how we measure liquids. What might you need to use to measure how much water goes into a cup of squash? Find the different measuring tools you use at home to measure liquids and get ready to talk about it on Monday!

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  • Friday 2nd July 2021

    Published 02/07/21, by Admin

    Your talk homework this week is to tell your adults at home all about multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. For example, 1 x 5 = 5, therefore 5 divided by 5 equals 1... 2 x 5 = 10, therefore 10 divided by 5 equals 2, and so on...

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  • Friday 25th June 2021

    Published 25/06/21, by Admin

    Talk Homework: Talk to your adults at home about ALL of the science we have been doing this week!

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  • Friday 18th June 2021

    Published 18/06/21, by Admin

    Talk homework: Please have look at home and find any books that you have with dragons in them. Choose one and if you are allowed, bring it into school next week to share with us!

    Next week is Science week! We will be creating collages of flowers that grow from seedlings and bulbs. Please save any yellow recyclable materials that you have at home and send your child into school with them. Any shades of yellow would be fantastic, and packaging could include crisp packets, cereal boxes, sweet packets, etc. Please ensure that the packaging has been cleaned before sending it into school. Thank you!

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  • Friday 11th June 2021

    Published 11/06/21, by Admin

    Your talk homework this week is to practise telling the time to the nearest fifteen minutes. Where does the minute hand point at o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to? See if you can spot these times throughout the weekend and explain how you know!

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  • Friday 28th May 2021

    Published 28/05/21, by Admin

    Your talk homework over half term is to talk to your family including Mummys, Daddys, Grandparents to see what they can remember about Buckden in the 'olden days'. If they have any photographs, please bring them in to share with us. We will be looking at how Buckden has changed over time, with regard to the shops and amenities in the village.

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  • Friday 21st May 2021

    Published 21/05/21, by Admin

    Your talk homework this week is to tell your adults at home all about the different seeds and bulbs we have planted this half-term. Think back to when we planted our tomato plants, our runner beans, our conkers and acorns, and when we went to the allotment and planted the vegetables in our patch!  How did we plant them? What do they need to grow?

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  • Friday 14th May 2021

    Published 14/05/21, by Admin

    Your talk homework this week is to note down what time you go to bed over the weekend, and what time you wake up in the morning. How long have you slept for? Can you write down the time in hours? Or even hours and minutes?! 

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  • Friday 7th May 2021

    Published 06/05/21, by Admin

    Talk Homework:

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  • Friday 30th April

    Published 30/04/21, by Admin

    Talk homework: Tell your adults about life in the Workhouse.

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  • Friday 23rd April 2021

    Published 23/04/21, by Admin

    Your talk homework this week is to...

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