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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Talk homework – Explain about the Roman gods and goddesses.

In art we are going to be making sculptures out of clay. We practised drawing ourselves using mirrors. We looked in mirrors to help us draw ourselves.

In topic we’ve been learning about gods and goddesses. We have learnt what their names are for their Greek and Roman versions. Some of the Roman names were named after the planets.

In PE we did tag rugby. First we learnt how to pass the ball. Then we went into a match. Everyone was so close to getting a try so the score was nil-nil.

In English we have done comprehension about gods and goddesses. On Wednesday Mrs Butcher came in and told us to write about Tom and Clare planning a plan, and we practised a mini roll play of it.

Mathletics is set.

Learner of the week is Josh.