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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


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In English we talked about our holidays and we had to write a plan and story about our favourite part. Mr B was really impressed with our handwriting and with the detail we put in our plans.

In maths we’ve been recapping things we learned in Year 3. We were all great at adding and subtracting but we found the multiplying a bit tricky to start with. By the end of the week we were brilliant at multiplying 2-digit numbers. Some of us even multiplied a 2-digit number by a 3-digit one!

Our new topic for the year is the Romans. We don’t know much yet but we do know that most of the time they did not get defeated – except when they came to Britain and fought the Celts who defeated them twice (although the Romans won in the end).

Our Learner of the Week for week 1 was Tom. Our Members of Buckden Parliament are Olivia and Corbyn. Our Collective worship team is Seb and Bea. We also have our first pen pass of the year: well done to Ya Ting.