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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 22nd March

Talk homework: How did the Romans keep clean?

In English today, we wrote a diary entry about the Greggs. The Greggs had been turned into ducks because they had shot 16 ducks! They had to live in a nest and it was very helpful for them because now they know how to build a nest (Finn and Jackson). In maths today, some people were on B and what they had to do was write a fact family (Emily). In Global Learning, we have been learning about clean water and how the Romans keep clean (Josh and Izzy). We were disgusted to find out the Romans cleaned their clothes in wee! All through Lent we have been recording Acts of Kindness.


Have a fab weekend

Roddick Class