Friday 1st March 2019
Talk homework: Find 3 objects around your home: one made from metal, one made from wood and one made from plastic. Discuss why the objects need to be made from these materials and the properties they have.
We have had a very busy first week back. In English we have continued to read Zeraffa Giraffa and we have actually read the entire book now. We discussed if we liked the ending of the book and whether or not we agreed that Giraffa should stay in Paris or if actually it would have been better for her to return to her natural habitat. In maths, we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have made sure we know their names and we have started to learn their properties. Our new sustainable development goal is number 6 and it is Clean water and sanitation. We started our new learning by looking at a Van Gough painting and the discussed water and why images are reflected in water. After that, we learnt how to make a tonal range of blues and painted one in our art books. Finally, we used our new skill to create a water droplet collage with a tonal range. They were beautiful.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Tarpey and Roddick class