Friday 1st March 2019
Talk homework: Find 3 objects around your home: one made from metal, one made from wood and one made from plastic. Discuss why the objects need to be made from these materials and the properties they have.
Talk homework: Find 3 objects around your home: one made from metal, one made from wood and one made from plastic. Discuss why the objects need to be made from these materials and the properties they have.
No talk homework
Talk Homework: Find out about an endangered species
Talk Homework:
Talk Homework: Talk about the effect a new road has on the environment.
Talk homework: see weekly parent mail. What is this a picture of? The picture is a close up so imagine if you zoom out what is it?
No talk homework
Tal Homework: Draw an array at home to show your parents. Explain the array.
Talk Homework: Look for arrays at home with your adults.
Talk Homework: Tell your adults the story of The Enchanted Wood so far.
Talk Homework: Look up 'mysterious' and 'countryside in a dictionary with your adults. Be ready to tell your teacher what they mean?
Talk Homework: Add up money with an adult at home. Add up to £1 and 50p