Friday 5th July 2019
No Talk Homework this week
No Talk Homework this week
Talk Homework: Find some waste plastic and discuss it with your adults. Then please bring in your clean waste plastic to school next week.
Science Talk homework: What if there were no trees?
No Talk Homework
Talk homework: Go around your house with an adult looking for scales e.g. scales on kitchen weighing scales or on a tape measure
Talk Homework: Find some instructions at home and read them with an adult. Can you find the features of instructions.
Talk Homework: What if we couldn't smell?
No talk homework
Talk Homework: Cut your dinner into fractions, 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, 2/4, 3/4
Talk homework: How did the Romans keep clean?
Talk Homework: 1. Talk about the water cycle. 2. Talk about the importance of washing your hands.
Practise telling the time at home. Make sure you know a quarter to and a quarter past!