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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Talk homework: Find examples of instructions at home and talk about them with your adult. 

Mia enjoyed playing the egg and spoon race in PE with Lizell. 

Harrison has enjoyed making our own egg box dragons, we have been working very hard on them!

Kayleigh enjoyed planting sunflower seeds. We followed instructions to plant them.  We had to measure how deep they needed to be planted and also how much water to give them. Then we wrote our own little prayers to say over our seed. We are hoping they will grow nice and tall! Libby enjoyed doing an observational drawing of the seeds, we noticed that they are all unique. 

Sophia has enjoyed the reading quizzes this week. 

Will H enjoyed learning how to master telling the time this week in maths. 

Elysia enjoyed leaning about peace in RE.