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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Talk homework: Find 3 objects around the house, made of wood, plastic and metal, discuss why they need to be made of those materials and their properties.

Emilia enjoyed art when we made a tonal range of blue by mixing paint in our art books. Elysia then enjoyed making a raindrop which was inspired by our tonal range and the skill was collage.

Sophia enjoyed learning about 3D shapes in maths this week, we have focussed on faces, vertices and edges. William S has enjoyed our Arithmetic, we have continued to practice our Addition, Subtraction, Division and Multiplication.

This week Will H has enjoyed looking at reflections for our new Global Learning Topic which is Clean Water and Sanitation. 

Amber  has enjoyed creating a commemorative item to celebrate the arrival of Zeraffa in Paris, we then wrote some adverts for our items. Felix enjoyed finishing Zeraffa Giraffa.

Have a look at our fantastic tonal range painting and our water droplet collages.