Friday 7th June
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English: We acted out a part of the story with Mr Boden and asked lots of questions to the main character Beegu. Yesterday we then wrote a diary as if we were Beegu, thinking about how she was feeling. Today we finished the story and wrote a book review about it.
Maths: We have been quarter crazy this week. We have found a quarter of different shapes and then found quarters of amounts. Today we were given some little challenges to see if we really understood quarters.
Global Learning: Our new sustainable goal is responsible consumption and production. We have begun by thinking about where food comes from (understanding that not everything comes from the supermarket). On Wednesday we then made our own bread and butter. It was really hard work and those that made butter had aching arms by the end.
Science: This week we looked again at what animals eat and thought about the vocabulary carnivore, herbivore and omnivore.
RE: We have started looking at the religion of Buddhism. We looked at some Buddha statues and then did some detailed drawings of them.
Spellings: Everyone has the same spelling for this week.
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten