Friday 14th June
Despite all the rain Marie Curie Class have continued to amaze us with their attitude to their work and learning.
This is a very positive sign as they think of moving into Year 2.
Our new text is ' Moth' by Isabel Thomas . We discovered that she is a Scientist and the author of 150 books for children. An ideal person to help us find out
about moths, in particular the Peppered Moth.
We have been busy researching and discovering some incredible facts about moths.
We have continued to work on direction and turns. Using the language 'full' 'half' 'quarter' and 'three quarter' turn. This has involved giving instructions and
using these terms when in the playground with our partner, turning in different directions, moving shapes and objects on the table.
Responding to statements about shapes and explaining if they are correct. e.g. ' The shape has made a quarter turn.' ' Explain how you know.'
We have been learning the names of all the different family members , using songs and playing matching games.
To read and write numbers in words to 20.
To conclude .
' I particularly liked having a go at long jump in P.E.' A.P.
' I am really looking forward to Sports Day .' J.C.
' I am proud of the house points I have earned this week.' F.C.
' I enjoyed writing about moths.' K.P.