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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 7th June

 A very busy start to the second half of the summer term.

 The most exciting thing this week was making bread and butter as part of our Global Learning lesson.
 " The first bite made my mouth water." A. S.


 The children were asked to think about what they would like to share with Beegu about life on Earth that she she missed out on. We had some fantastic suggestions , teaching Beegu how to make snow angels and watching a beautiful sunset. The children then produced their own guide to Earth listing their top 5 suggestions.

In phonics we have practised reading and writing words focussing on split digraphs : o-e / a-e / i-e / u-e / e-e


  We have continued with our work on 'quarters' . finding a quarter of a number using equal sharing. This has involved using objects and drawing .

 We have been using the statements  :

 A quarter of 4 is 1
 1 is one quarter of 4.
 3 is one quarter of 12



 Writing and spelling numbers 1 to 10

 K.P. " I enjoyed going outside for P.E. and taking part in the egg and spoon and sack race."