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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 1st February

An update on the week


tip, red, man

tear, spoon, pain, rain, main

toy, claw, Mr, Mrs, dream

annoy, shawl, looked, called, asked



In English this week we have been exploring the pre-fix 'un' and the suffixes 's' and 'es'. We have also been looking at contraction words for example I am being I'm, did not being didn't etc. We finished our story of 'The Jolly Postman and created a mock trial for the wolf



In maths we have been looking at subtraction using a variety of methods. We have explored using 'stuff' to subtract, using a number line, using a bar model, using the part part whole model, using crossing out and partitioning numbers. We have completed lots of practical activities to help us understand subtraction.


Learning colours in French (AP)

Making fish out of clay (ABW)

In PSHCE we learnt about being safe in the kitchen and not being dangerous in the kitchen (KP)

I enjoyed getting a house point (FJ)

Next door in phonics there was a supply teacher and after he wrote on the board he blew it out (MB)

This week in maths we have been subtracting numbers (ET)

On Wednesday some of us went to the allotment, we were picking up some weeds and we found beetroot, potatoes, onions, carrots and worms. (JC)

We also in our music we made some instruments and it was really fun (FJ)