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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 4th October

Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  Make sure you also know our spelling words and are ready for our weekly spelling quiz on Monday morning.  Our words this week are:  according, profession, sacrifice, awkward, conscious, dictionary, system, familiar, individual, neighbour.  Remember to read every day for at least 20 minutes, with at least one of these sessions reading aloud to an adult. 

Well done to everyone who has completed an AR quiz so far this term, half-term is approaching and everyone has their own individual target to reach before the half-term break.  There were several children who didn't manage to bring their PE kits to school this week, and so were unable to take part in our lessons - please remember your kit!

Freddie:  This week in Science, we did an investigation where we were comparing the size of our handspans.  I found that the taller the person, generally, the larger their handspan.

Jakub:  I have enjoyed Maths this week where we have been learning efficient methods for multiplication.  

Arya:  In English this week we have created shape poems describing Kesters escape from Spectrum Hall.  I am really enjoying the book.