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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 4

Page 1

  • 31.1.25

    Published 31/01/25, by Sonia Wall

    Spellings: breath, business, caught, different, exercise, extreme, medicine, possession, although.

    Reading: please remind your child to write in their Reading Records after they have read a book or magazine.

    During Art, we completed our weaves of water using recycled materials. We took inspiration from Hokusai's great wave to represent water using different colours.

    Our river walk was postponed until next Friday 7th February due to weather and water levels of the river.  

    We discussed why the Romans invaded Britain and how they used the resources they found.

     Mood Meter: some parents have been asking about the mood meter we look at in school.  We use it in class to talk about our emotions; it also improves the children's vocabulary.

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  • 24.01.25

    Published 24/01/25, by Sonia Wall

    Spellings : - serious, curious, obvious, hideous, spontaneous, courteous, furious, various, victorious, gaseous

    TT Rockstars: 3 lots of 15 minutes

    Reading: to be recorded in Reading Diary which will be checked on Mondays

    English - we have been preserving with our creative English writing about how Oliver will rescue his parents.

    Maths - we are learning about perimeter and how to count the sides of a shape to find the perimeter.  

    Science - today we had fun learning about the water cycle - look out for the song on Go Noodle.

    Please get plenty of rest in readiness for our quizzes next week - we want to prove to ourselves how much more we have learnt already!

    Have a good weekend.

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  • 10.01.25

    Published 10/01/25, by Sonia Wall

    Firstly, thank you so much for all your generous gifts and messages, they were all very much appreciated and enjoyed!

    We hope you like our little rhyme to remember how to round up in Maths 

    We have been busy this week and dived straight back into starting a brand new English text book and we already we are meeting some very strange characters.

    In Maths, we are starting to recap our time.  We now know how to tell the time to 5 minutes and next week we will be looking at 12 and 24 hour clock.

    We have edited photos and found how ease it was to manipulate images using Powerpoint.

    Spellings: outrageous, courageous, ridiculous, disadvantageous, nervous, carnivorous, famous, rapturous, adventurous, torturous. 

    Reading:  Book records signed on Monday

    TT Rockstars: 15 minutes x 3 times per week


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  • 20.12.24

    Published 20/12/24, by Sonia Wall

    Spellings - explosion, invasion, tension, provision, erosion, extension, comprehension, exclusion, suspension, expansion.

    TT Rockstars – 15 mins practice 3 times a week.

    The children have been given their Maths assessments that they completed in September.  We have gone through some of the questions in class and they are excited to share their knowledge with you and how much they have learnt since September.

    Thank you all for your support during this half term.  

    Merry Christmas


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  • 6.12.24

    Published 06/12/24, by Sonia Wall

    Your child will have brought home a Reading Record this week.  This is to be used by themselves, you as parents/carers, and teaching staff in school.  Please encourage them to record daily reading sessions at home, and then add your initials to confirm that they have done this.  We expect all children to read every day at home in addition to any reading they do in school.  Your support with this is vital to embed good routines for your children, and it is widely known that those children reading regularly at home experience accelerated progress in all areas of their schooling.  It is the children's responsibility to look after this book and bring it to school each day along with their reading book.  Thank you for your support.  

    Spellings: favourite, continue, February, material, knowledge, complete, experiment, naughty, famous, remember.   

    Please remind your child to write a sentence using their spelling words on the back of the spelling sheet.

    TT Rockstars - 3 lots of 15 minutes slots per week to ensure fluency for the June test.

    Art - This week, we visited St Mary's church to sketch our images in readiness for our Christmas cards.  

    Maths - We are delving deeper into multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000s.

    Geography - We have learnt that lines of latitude are varying degrees away from the Equator.  Lines on longitude are varying degrees away from the Prime Meridian. 

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  • 29.11.24

    Published 29/11/24, by Sonia Wall

    Parents and carers, Thank you for all your support during our Y2 and 4 performance.  The children were very proud of their dancing and acting and loved performing for you all.

    Spellings: chef, chalet, machine, brochure, parachute, chaperone, chute, quiche, chandelier, crochet.

    Please remind your child to practise their TT Rockstars (45 mins) and complete their spelling sheet.  

    Today, we celebrated the Festival of Lights.  The Year 4 festival was Loh Krathong festival in Thailand.  We have folded an origami lotus and made a lantern out of card. 

    In our class reader, we have read up to a cliff hanger and our main protagonist has stolen the King's elephant!

    In Maths, we are trying to multiply 3 digit by 1 digit numbers!


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  • 22.11.24

    Published 22/11/24, by Sonia Wall

    Spellings - generally, beautifully, faithfully, usually, peacefully, cruelly, thoughtfully, finally, carefully, wonderfully.

    TT Rockstars - 45 minutes a week.

    We are so excited to perform for you all next week.  Thank you for your support in arranging the fabulous costumes.  Please could you help your child to practise their lines this weekend.

    Toby in Y4 is arranging a toy donation for Buckden Towers for families who are struggling during Christmas time.  If you are having a sort out and have any clean, useable toys that you no longer need that you would like to donate, please could you bring them into school by 6th December.  Many thanks for your support!

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  • 15.11.24

    Published 15/11/24, by Sonia Wall

    Spellings: sadly, bravely, foolishly, completely, gently, proudly, nervously, wildly, happily, horribly, enough

    TT Rockstars - 15 minutes three times a week.

    Science - we have started our investigation into how different liquids affect our teeth.  We are using eggs in our experiment as they are made of a similar material to our teeth.

    RE - we visited  St Mary's Church where Father David explained the incarnation to us and showed us various items around the church that explained the incarnation.

    English - we are enjoying our book, but the main protagonist's friend has just been taken to jail, and we are keen to find out what happens to him next.

    Maths - we had fun solving some multiplication problem-solving questions today.

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  • 08.11.24

    Published 08/11/24, by Sonia Wall

    Spellings: adoration, admiration, coronation, detonation, observation, location, generation, exploration, combination, illustration.

    TT Rockstars - 6 times table focus and Soundchecks.

    Reading - you are charging through your AR quizzes. Keep going.

    English - we started a brilliant new Class reader 'The girl who stole an elephant'.  Please tell you adults at home what we know about the protagonist so far!

    Maths - we now know how to work out the area of a shape by counting the squares.

    Science - we are investigating different types of teeth, incisors, canines and molar.  Please tell your adults at home why we have different types of teeth.


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  • 24.10.24

    Published 24/10/24, by Sonia Wall

    Firstly, thank you to all of you for supporting us on our museum trip today, the children thoroughly enjoyed looking at the artefacts in the MAA and holding the skeletons in the Zoology museum. 

    Over the half term, practise on Soundcheck on TT Rockstars will help children practise their speed and fluency.  The children have also been given a multiplication sheet (6 times table), a heat map that shows their progress on TT Rockstars and a spelling sheet. To ensure that they maintain their momentum in their learning please could all the completed sheets be brought back to school after half-term.  

    Spellings: information, sensation, preparation, vibration, decoration, donation, duration, registration, population, determination, our.

    Hope you all have a pleasant half-term.

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  • 18.10.24

    Published 18/10/24, by Sonia Wall

    The children have been absolutely amazing this week as we completed our assessments.  They have shown resilience throughout the week.  Therefore, there is no spellings for this week and you can purely focus on TT Rockstars.

    We have researched how to make reverse motion linkage in DT, investigated our local habitat and created a tally chart to list the living things we found and practised our songs for our performance.

    We have a busy week next week:

    Wednesday - Inter-house Rugby in the afternoon

    Thursday - our museum trip (school uniform with packed lunch + snacks x2 + water bottle).  Drop off and pick up times will be the same as a normal school day.

    Friday -  Non-school uniform just for Year 4, please bring in a donation for the Christmas Hamper.  Koinonia will be happening in the afternoon.

    Have a great weekend.

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  • 04.10.24

    Published 04/10/24, by Sonia Wall

    Spellings -submarine, subject, subway, submerge, subtropical, subdivide, subheading, substandard, subtitle and submit.

    We enjoyed learning co-ordinates outdoors by playing tick tac toe and connection four.  This helped us to learn co-ordinates in Geography.

    In Maths, we are practising additions up to 4 digit numbers.

    We explored our emotions in PSHE when we talked about what makes us angry and what makes us calm.

    Have a nice weekend!

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