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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 24th January 2025

spellings: great, groan, main, meat, grate, grown, mane, meet

TTRockstars 3 x 10 min

Reading everyday!

We have had a fantastic week in year 3. Our English book 'Why the Whales Came' is getting really interesting and next week the children will be writing a diary entry by Gracie. In maths we have learnt two methods to divide and practised our arithmetic skills. In Geography, we continued to learn about the seas and oceans surrounding the United Kingdom. Science was fun as we learnt the names of the bones that make up our skeleton and thought hard about the ones that help to protect our organs, the boneas that are crucial to help us move and which ones support us. Dance was really energetic, and we are beginning to build dance routines that will be used in our production. In art we stared to design our Scarpace fish that we will be making in clay. Next week, we will think about the colour scheme we will use.

Have a fantastic weekend

Year 3