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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 17th January 2025

This week's spellings: calmly, exactly, deadly, boldly, gladly, clearly, hourly.

TTRockstars: It is essential that each pupil completes 45 minutes of play per week.

Read: Your child should read to you every day.

We have had an excellent week this week and the children have worked so hard despite the cold snap!

During Science, Emily enjoyed learning about types of soils during an investigation. She specifically liked finding out what happens if we don’t have soil and also why soil is important. The pupils handled clay, sandy and silty soil and predicted which would be best for plant growth.

Byron enjoyed our English lessons on our text ‘Why the Whales Came’ by Michael Morpurgo. He likes the mystery in the story and the interactions between the characters. Byron also enjoys the descriptions of Rushy Bay, and he was able to act out an excellent characterisation of the text with his group in a class performance.  

We have been rehearsing our assembly for next week and the pupils are starring in the Lower School Assembly. Each week, a class performs a bible story for the rest of the Lower School which will have a theme and a moral to the story. We are going to be sharing the story of Samson and Delilah this week. This ties in with the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision, which enables pupils to flourish.

This morning we had a visiting speaker at the school assembly, Head of Climate Change for Buckden Parish Council. She spoke to the children about the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, and she told us about The Repair shop that is going to take place at Buckden Village Hall on Saturday 8th February. She inspired the children to take care of our school environment and to think more sustainably.

Buckden Badger will be out spending his weekends with you all after having a refresh, so please welcome him into your homes!