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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 8th November 2024

Spellings: revenge, return, reaction, redo, reappear, redecorate, replay

TTRockstars 3 x 10-15min 

Reading at least 3 times a week with an adult for 10-15 min

We have had a very successful first week back in Year 3. 

Our Global Goal for this half-term is Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. We considered what all of these words mean and began to think about the importance of them in our lives. We now know 'Industry' is the process by which things are made in big factories. Innovations are ideas or objects that make our lives easier, such as robots, mobile phones or electric cars. Infrastructure we understand as systems such as, road networks or the internet that help to connect us and allow us to pass information or to travel.

Our new English book is 'Ug Boy Genius of the Stone-Age' and we have looked at the layout of the book which is similar to a comic and very different to most other books. We have met the main characters and are starting to spot the humour in each page. We can also see how Ug is a little boy with big innovative ideas. 

In maths, we are extending our addition and subtraction skills. In French, we are extending our phonic knowledge and vocabulary to include the names of vegetables. In P.E. this half-term we will be learning football skills and gymnastics. Today, in gymnastics, we were able to remember and perform balance positions and create short routines that were very impressive. In Science this half-term we will be learning about forces. We started to consider what a force actually is and how important it is in our lives. We realised how often we use push forces and pull forces to move our bodies.

We had an online presentation from the '3engineers' today about Green Careers. It was fascinating to listen to real engineers to try to understand what they do! They explained that they solve problems using maths and science. We learnt how engineers make water cleaning plants, electric cars, and they even told us about 'The Interceptor' which was fascinating. The Interceptor technology uses barriers to trap plastic in the oceans that can then be collected by a boat and removed.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Year 3