Friday 18th October
Please ensure you are logging all reading on Boomreader. We have sent home letterjoin logins for you all to access our online platform we use within school to help with letter formation at home. Please make sure you are doing at least numbots at least 20 minutes a week.
Spellings: play, term, fair, cow, again, last
In phonics the children have been consolidating their learning this week going over the previous Phase 5 sounds they have learnt in Year 1. These are 'ay' 'ou' 'ie' 'ea' and 'oy'.
The children have finally come to the end of Beegu's journey on Earth and have loved learning about him. We will be moving onto poetry very soon which I know they will really enjoy.
In Geography the children have made their own maps. We have looked at the key features for maps including titles and keys which they have added to their small towns they have created.
In Science this week the children have been learning about Autumn. They went outside on a walk collected leaves and using a laminating pouch have created leaf people. They have explored Autumn during our nature walk and completed a worksheet showing all of their knowledge about the season we are in.
Within our maths we have moved onto addition facts and next week will be looking at subtraction and how that looks using our part whole models.
We hope you have a great weekend!