Friday 27th September
Please ensure you are logging all reading on Boomreader. We have sent home letterjoin logins for you all to access our online platform we use within school to help with letter formation at home. Please make sure you are doing at least numbots at least 20 minutes a week.
The children have had a fantastic week during their learning.
This week we have been exploring the 'ie' sound in our Phonics lessons. The children have been fantastic during their learning and are picking up the key skills of segmenting and blending their words.
Within our English we have been exploring some drama techniques where children came up with questions to ask Beegu and the children had a chance to embody Beegu and answer how they believe Beegu would.
In our Maths learning the children have been great at comparing numbers. They are using our stem sentences 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to'. We have been very impressed with their maths skills.
Next week we will be moving our learning on to looking at our senses in Science, talking about what a free standing building is in DT and learning some facts about Queen Victoria in History.
We will be at church on Monday morning for the Harvest festival, if you are able to come and walk we would really appreciate it.
Have a great weekend.