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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Week beg 4.12.23

Talk Homework: Discuss the processes of separation - filtration, sieving and evaporation. What mixtures and solutions could you find at home that you could use these methods to separate?

We've a week and a bit to go until we finish for Christmas, and it's going to be busy! This week we explored new scientific vocabulary (solvent, solute and solution)and separation processes to prove that a salt solution can be reversed using evaporation. 

In Geography, we've continued to learn about the impact of the Industrial Revolution and, in History, why the Mayans were so successful. 

In art, students have begun to print their Lino carvings and explore techniques for blending oil pastels, which we'll finish next week. 

Also, next week, we'll be beginning our DT project whereby pupils are designing and building a prototype of a wind turbine and will need to bring in cardboard and supplies for building on Monday/Tuesday please. Every design is unique to their team so only they will know what they need. 

Please remember to practise TTRockstars, spellings and to read. 

Spellings to learn for Monday









