Friday 6th October
Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read every day for at least 20 minutes, with 3 of these days reading aloud to an adult. We will be looking at your reading progress in the final week of this half-term where we can see how many quizzes you have taken and passed. This week was Dyslexia Awareness week - have a go at the spelling challenge in the attached document.
Your spellings this week were: achieve, programme, secretary, bargain, controversy, disastrous, temperature, foreign, interfere, nuisance. Make sure you know these and are ready to be quizzed on them on Monday.
This week in school, we have spoken to the children about entering the BBC 500 Words Writing Competition. Information is included in the Weekly Newsletter - please encourage your child to enter and send in any stories to school where we will share them.
Bella: I enjoyed Tennis this week. We learnt how to control the ball, and we practised rallying with our partner, which was lots of fun.
Austin: In Art this week we have been working on our soap carving. Lots of us found it challenging, we needed to be patient and persevere.
Freya: I really enjoyed English this week, we met a new character and I am intrigued as to whether she will help or hinder the main character in their quest.
Logan: In Music we have been learning about the pentatonic scale and it has 4 notes and 4 beats.