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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 6

Page 2

  • Thursday 28th March

    Published 28/03/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Wednesday 17th April.  Remember to read each day and return to school ready to take at least one AR Quiz.

    In order to support our revision for the SATs Tests in May, we are sending home some Maths and English booklets where there are short tasks for you to complete over the holidays.  Try to spend 10 minutes on Maths and 10 minutes on English every day, and bring your completed booklets back to school on Monday 15th April.  Please don't worry if you find some questions tricky - we will talk through all the questions when we return to school.  A few minutes each day is the best revision technique rather than completing the whole booklet in one go.

    We are also sending home some spelling vocabulary for you to revise.  Use the techniques we practise in school, such as 'rainbow write', 'waterfall words', 'capital and lower case', 'words in a sentence' or 'look, cover, write, check'.  Why not get someone to test you at the start of the holiday and then at the end to see how many more words you know after some revision?

    For those children who were absent today, or for any children who have misplaced their homework booklets, please find them all attached below.  Thank you for your support in encouraging your child to complete their homework.

    We wish you all a very Happy Easter break.

    Mrs Purser and Mrs Walker

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  • Friday 22nd March

    Published 22/03/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday.  Remember to read every day for a minimum of 20 minutes, with 3 of these sessions reading aloud to an adult.  Make sure you know your spellings ready for the quiz on Monday:  accompany, accuse, accost, accrue, accuracy, accomplish, access, accommodate, accumulate, accentuate.

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  • Friday 15th March

    Published 15/03/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: martial, spatial, partial, essential, substantial, potential, influential, confidential, sequential, torrential.

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  • Friday 8th March

    Published 08/03/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: official, superficial, special, social, racial, crucial, antisocial, artificial, facial, beneficial.

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  • Friday 1st March

    Published 01/03/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: environment, secretary, jewellery, explanatory, company, desperate, definitely, poisonous, reference, temperature.

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  • Friday 16th February

    Published 16/02/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Wednesday 28th February. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday 26th February: easel, restaurant, pyjamas, veranda, ballet, blizzard, hoist, bungalow, gymkhana, origin.

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  • Friday 9th February

    Published 09/02/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday.  Remember to revise any other practice tasks on different areas of Maths or SPaG which you feel less confident in.  We can see who has spent time doing this, and how accurate your answers have been.

    Remember to read every day with three sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.  We will be checking your progress against your AR Target next Friday.

    If you would like to find and print any images to use in your balanced argument (linked to your topic), please bring them into school by next Wednesday.  A maximum of 3 images each, all smaller than 8x8cm.

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  • Friday 2nd February

    Published 01/02/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday:  dissatisfied, dissimilar, unsure, unnatural, overseas, overrule, disappointed, unnecessary, overreact, impatient.

    Share your Discussion Writing Question with an adult at home and talk through your initial ideas.

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  • Friday 26th January

    Published 26/01/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: nuisance, hindrance, sacrifice, certificate, celebrate, necessary, prejudice, cemetery, deceased, December.

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  • Friday 19th January

    Published 19/01/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: smoulder, mould, thrown, blown, window, shallow, poultry, shoulder, known, soul.

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  • Friday 12th January

    Published 12/01/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: produce, impact, transport, object, contest, subject, silence, increase, freeze, permit.

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  • Friday 5th January

    Published 05/01/24, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

    Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: plentiful, fearful, beautiful, merciful, faithful, boastful, doubtful, thankful, fanciful, pitiful.

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