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This week in year four, both Williams and Joplins have been learning about the different types of teeth we have and why we have teeth. In English, we were all very excited to begin reading our new book, The girl who stole an elephant, and start a character description for our female protagonist. In maths, we were recapping our knowledge of time and thinking about converting analogue time to digital time, this is something some children remembered quite well and enjoyed being able to put into use throughout the day.
Talk homework: Please tell your adult what AR quiz's are and what your term target it and how you achieve it.
Spellings: adoration, admiration, coronation, detonation, observation, location, generation, exploration, combination, illustration
TT rockstars: Show your adult our current year 4 battle, share the 6 times tables song we have been learning and remember to spend a minimum of 5 minutes a day on tt rockstars to support your learning and class battle.