19th April 2024
Homework- read at least three times a week and record on Boom Reader app
Numbots every week.
Down at the Bottom of the Garden...
The start of a new topic and this week we have been inspired by Monet in our painting. We visited the pond and used viewfinders using all our senses to soak up the atmosphere.
In phonics, we have learnt the digraph ar and the tricky words 'like' and 'there'.
In maths, we have been developing our counting skills and counting to totals to 20 any beyond using techniques like creating arrays, lining up the items and labelling/ crossing out drawn objects.
In RE, we hear the story '10 Silver Coins' and learnt that Christian's believe God thinks we are each and everyone of us precious.
In English, we have read two stories- 'The Bog Baby' and 'Give Us a Smile, Cinderella'. Following this we made our own Bog Babies with playdough and craft resources and wrote our own instructions for how to keep our teeth clean.