Friday 22nd March 2024
This week the children have really enjoyed our Computing lessons, where we built up their knowledge and understanding of 'algorithms', and made their own animations using two new blocks!
PE has been another firm favourite where the children were learning to do the Waltz - a type of dance where you only move your feet, in counts of three.
In Art this week, the children have been drawing pictures of their friends using ONLY shapes!
Maths has been exciting this week where the children have learned all about unit and non-unit fractions! The children have been finding fractions of shapes and amounts to show us their understanding.
The children have written some fantastic balanced arguments this week - they advised Rapunzel of reasons for and against leaving her tower... and gave their opinions at the end! Miss Freeman was SO impressed with the letters the children wrote to Rapunzel, she couldn't believe how detailed the writing was and how much their writing has progressed since the end of Year 1.
Have a wonderful weekend, one week to go until Easter!