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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 2

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  • Friday 28th June 2024

    Published 28/06/24, by Christina Farmer

    Wow, another week has flown by!

    We have had a fabulous week this week, it's been a little different from normal but we've enjoyed it nonetheless!

    On Monday the children were given their very own 'mini-me' and we went out onto the school field and took ourselves on an exciting adventure! We looked at the different physical features of the world and we used these ideas to create our very own adventure story, which we then came back and mapped on a story mountain.

    On Tuesday, we used our adventures from the day before to write our very own adventure story. We modelled using all of the year 2 spelling and punctuation, as well as the different elements of writing within our story and the children have produced some really interesting and exciting pieces of creative writing!

    In Maths this week, the children have been working hard to recall their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables and have been practising counting in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10 from a range of numbers, both forwards and backwards. We noticed that when you start from 0, if you count in 10s, every number ends in 0, if you count in 5s then numbers will always end in 5 or 0, if you count in 2s, then the numbers will always be even (unless you start on an odd number!!) and when you count in 3s, the numbers will alternate between odd and even. 

    We then moved onto looking at word problems involving these times tables, where the children had to read a range of problems and decide how to find the answers, whether they were counting up to the number or sharing the total into groups of numbers. It was interesting to see who could identify how to solve the problem and produced lots of talking points for us to help us work out what we needed to do!

    On Wednesday, we celebrated SPORTS DAY! The children all participated in a range of events, from sprinting, to egg and spoon race, to the obstacle course - we had a fantastic time and it was wonderful to see the children pushing themselves to be their best. The children's favourite part of the day was being absolutely soaked by Miss Freeman and her sprinkler!

    On Thursday, the children had the opportunity to spend a little of their money on a range of stalls - favourites included pieing Year 6 children in the face and shooting them with a nerf gun!

    The children absolutely loved our Computing lesson on Friday where we recreated William Morris's repeating patterns on the computers, and we shared our beautiful work with the class!

    Have a wonderful weekend, we will miss you next week when you spend a few days with your new teachers, but look forward to having you back on Friday.

    Best wishes,

    Miss Freeman, Mrs Farmer and the Year 2 Team

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  • Friday 21st June

    Published 21/06/24, by Christina Farmer

    What a fantastic week we have had in Year 2!

    This week we have celebrated Science week with a whole host of learning linking Science to lots of other areas of the curriculum.

    On Monday we launched Science week with an assembly and then had the whole day to conduct an investigation into 'rocket mice'. We wanted to answer the question 'Does the material of a rocket mouse affect how far it flies?'.

    The children made rocket mice out of five different materials, and we then tested how far each mouse would fly on the playground. We recorded our results in a table and then concluded our investigation thinking about the properties of different materials and how they would affect their flight.

    On Tuesday Father David came into school to talk to us about RE and Science. We linked our Science learning with our topic of Judaism. We learned about Tu B'Shevat, a Jewish festival dedicated to trees, their importance on our planet and how the Jewish faith believe that we should look after the Earth. We linked this with our Science learning where we looked at a range of animals who use trees as their habitats, learned about the different food chains within tree habitats, and we then created a collaborative collage (MASTERPIECE) of a Menorah representing a tree and its branches, and included pictures of the different animals within the tree habitat.

    On Wednesday we looked at farming and the Science behind it, as well as looked at a range of STEM jobs associated with farming. The children learned about bees and their habitats and wrote a factfile to present their findings.

    On Thursday we had 'dress down day' which the children absolutely loved! The children came in as a Scientist of different varieties, we had some astronomers, paleobiologists, environmentalists, zoologists, doctors, nurses and vets. We talked about the different careers within Science and the children were inspired!

    We celebrated Science week on Friday and shared our learning from the week. We have had a fantastic week and the children have worked really hard - well done!

    Have a wonderful, sunny weekend.

    Best wishes,
    Miss Freeman and the Year 2 Team

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  • Friday 14th June 2023

    Published 13/06/24, by Christina Farmer

    This weeks spelling focus has been the 'ch' sound at the end of words spelt with 'ture' and 'tcher', such as picture, mixture, moisture, stretcher, butcher, scratcher.

    Oh wow, what a week we have had!

    The children have wowed us as we have revisited calculations in maths, where the children have used their partitioning skills and their presentation skills to organise their numbers into columns, add their ones and their tens vertically before putting them back together in order to add two 2-digit numbers together - we are preparing them for the column method of addition, and they have worked so hard to show us their understanding!

    In English this week, the children have read a little bit more of our Power of Reading book and predicted what might happen next in the story, 'when the dragon is put to bed under the moonlight'. The children have written the next part of the story, telling us the adventures of their own Egg Box Dragon's and we are so proud of their writing. They have included lots of descriptive language, added conjunctions to extend their sentences, and have used gold standard handwriting to present their stories beautifully. The children are so proud that they wrote their stories up in neat for us to display on our excellence boards!

    We have been learning about the Jewish Faith and enjoyed an introduction to the religion on Tuesday. Henry B brought in a Menorah for us to look at and discuss, as well as his Kippah, which Jewish people wear to pay their respects to G-d, thank you for sharing this with us!

    In Science the children enjoyed sorting and classifying objects in different ways, such as the materials they are made of and some of the properties that they have.

    Next week is Science Week!

    The children will be conducting an investigation into what materials make Rocket Mice fly well - we will need some 2L plastic bottles to carry out our investigation so if you have any at home, please bring them in on Monday!

    We will also be creating our own collaborative collage when we link our Science learning with our RE learning, thinking about the sacredness of Earth, and learning about Tu B'Shevat. We will be using recycled materials to create a forest collage - if you have any recyclable materials that are green/brown in colour going spare, please send them our way on Monday!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Miss Freeman, Mrs Farmer and the Year 2 Team




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  • Friday 7th June 2024

    Published 07/06/24, by Christina Farmer

    This week we have been learning about the 'zh' sound represented by an 's' in our spellings.
    i.e. treasure, pleasure, television, collision, exposure, composure, enclosure.

    The children have come back from half-term ready for their learning and we are now on the final part of our Year 2 journey!

    The children have enjoyed having a sneak peek into our new Power of Reading book, visualising the character of 'Egg Box Dragon' through the description in the story and have created their very own Egg Box Dragons out of junk modelling materials.

    In Maths this week we have been learning about the vocabulary associated with position and direction, thinking about how we can describe where things are and how we get from one place to another. Children have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise, and different turns.

    We introduced our new Global Learning Goal 'Decent Work and Economic Growth' on Wednesday where we walked up to Buckden High Street and located all of the different places of employment, and the job opportunities available within these places. We were lucky enough to have a chat with the Manager of Annafield Estate Agents who told us about her job and the path she took to get into her career!

    The children have enjoyed Art and Computing this week where we have learned about our Artist, LS Lowry who painted pictures of industrial scenes, and in Computing we recreated a range of impressionist Artwork on the laptops, using Purple Mash and 2PaintaPicture to help us!

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Miss Freeman, Mrs Farmer and the Year 2 Team 

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  • Blog 24.5.24 Woburn

    Published 29/05/24, by Christina Farmer

    We had a wonderful time at Woburn on Friday! Ask your children what we saw. 

    Have a wonderful half term and a well deserved rest! 

    From Mrs Farmer and Miss Freeman 

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  • Blog 10.5.24

    Published 10/05/24, by Christina Farmer

    Maths - numbots is currently not working so please use TopMarks Hit the Button to practice number facts and times tables. 

    Spelling - Suffixes: -ment/-ness Homophones: not/knot 

    Reading - please keep reading and using boom reader. 

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  • 19.4.24 Blog

    Published 19/04/24, by Christina Farmer

    Spelling - RULES /or/ phoneme spelt ‘a’ before ‘l’ and ‘ll’ (e.g. fall/ball, talk/walk) AND /u/ phoneme spelt ‘o’ (e.g. other/mother) /o/ phoneme spelt ‘a’ (e.g. want/wash) HOMOPHONES sun/son AND there/their/they’re

    Reading - Read daily and record this on Boom Reader

    Maths - Use numbots for 3 x 15minute sessions. 

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  • Blog 28.3.24

    Published 28/03/24, by Christina Farmer

    Homework - 

    Maths - Numbots 15 minutes 3 times a week

    Reading - Daily and record on Boom Reader

    Spellings - Non over Easter but if you would like to look at previous blogs to practice previous words and rules, please do :) 

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  • Friday 22nd March 2024

    Published 22/03/24, by Admin
    This week the children have really enjoyed our Computing lessons, where we built up their knowledge and understanding of 'algorithms', and made their own animations using two new blocks! PE has been another firm favourite where the childre
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  • 15.3.24

    Published 15/03/24, by Christina Farmer

    Homework - Reading, recording on Boom Reader  

    - Spelling; compare /s/ /c/ /ce/ -common exception word. eye - homophones, piece/peace 

    - Maths, use Numbots

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  • Friday 8.3.24

    Published 08/03/24, by Christina Farmer

    Please complete your homework 

    Spelling -Compare the phonemes and graphemes; /j/ /g/ /ge/ /dge/

    -Common exception words; move, prove, improve

    -Near homophones; quite/quiet

    Reading - record on Boom Reader

    Maths - Numbots 

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  • Friday 16th February 2024

    Published 16/02/24, by Christina Farmer

    Have a relaxing half term

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