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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 2

Page 2

  • Friday 9th February 2024

    Published 09/02/24, by Christina Farmer

    Spellings - Reviewing this half term (endings - le, el, al, il) (endings to words with long and short vowel sounds -y -ing -ed -est -er) 

    Reading - Read with your child and log it on Boom Reader

    Maths - Use Numbots or TTrockstars 

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  • Friday 26th January 2024

    Published 26/01/24, by Christina Farmer

    Spellings Words ending in –y.    

    CEW: any, many, busy, does. Contraction : doesn’t

    Don't forget to read at home. It really does make an incredible difference to their learning at school. 

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  • 19.01.24

    Published 19/01/24, by Christina Farmer

    Reading - please read at least 5 times a week with your child and record on Boom Reader. 

    Spelling - Our rule; Words ending in: –y (happy). Common Exception Words; what, pretty, every, everybody. Contraction; what’s

    Maths - Do Numbots for 15 minutes, three times this week. 

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  • Friday 12th January

    Published 12/01/24, by Christina Farmer

    Spellings for next week: Words ending in -al/-il      e.g. metal, pupil

    Common exception words: father, past, fast, last

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  • Friday 15th December

    Published 15/12/23, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework: What's an algorithm? See if you can remember and explain. 

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  • Friday 8th December

    Published 08/12/23, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework - Tell an adult at home about your story. 

    Reading - read daily and use Boom Reader

    Maths - 3 x 15minutes a week on numbots Numbots Game 

    Spelling - we will be reviewing sounds learnt this half term

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  • Friday 1st December

    Published 01/12/23, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework - to look at books at home and discuss what you like and dislike about your books. 

    Maths - 3 lots of 15 minutes sessions on Numbots 

    Reading - read daily and record on Boom Reader 

    Spelling - next week we will be reviewing the sounds we've learnt this half term. 

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  • Friday 24th November

    Published 24/11/23, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework - Tell your adults the story of the Magic Finger 

    Reading - Read with your adults and record it on Boom Reader

    Maths - Play on Numbots for at least 15 minutes 3 times a week Numbots Game  

    Times Tables Rock Stars: Play ( - the same login will work for TTrockstars too

    Spelling for next week - Compare /ear/ /eer/ /air/ /ear/ /are/ Suffix -less Common Exception Words - sugar, sure, Christmas 

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  • Friday 17th November 2023

    Published 17/11/23, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework: counting in 10s. What patterns did yoy find to help add and subtract 10

    Spellings for next week: Compare: /or/ /ore/ /au/ /aw/. 

    Common exception words: door, poor, floor, water, beautiful

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  • Friday 10th November

    Published 10/11/23, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework: What do you know about the police? Talk about what you found out about the Watchmen, Bow Street Runners and Peelers

    Spellings for next week: Compare: /ou/ /ow/ sounds. 

    Tricky words: hour. Homophones: hear/here and continuing to learn about apostrophes for possession

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  • Friday 3rd November

    Published 03/11/23, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework - to practice singing some of your play songs at home. 

    Our sounds for the next few weeks are ph (f) wr (r) and wh (w) at the start of words. 


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  • Friday 20th October 2023

    Published 20/10/23, by Christina Farmer

    Try to read to and with your children over half term

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