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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


September 2023

  • 29th September 2023

    Published 29/09/23, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework- What is your full name- first and surname? What is are your parents' first names? What is your address?

    Reading- at least 3 times a week and log on Boom reader app.

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  • 21st September 2023

    Published 22/09/23, by Joshua Palmer

    Talk Homework: Have a chat about your home and different homes of people you know. Vocabulary you can use: detached, semi-detached, bungalow, village, neighbour. You can even do a number hunt, looking at numbers on houses.

    Reading at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.

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  • 15th September 2023

    Published 15/09/23, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework: Have a chat about family members. Use vocabulary parent, brother, sister, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, family friend. 

    Reading at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.

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  • 8 September 2023

    Published 08/09/23, by Joshua Palmer

    We've had a wonderful week catching up with DuPre class and we're really excited to see them on Monday. A few reminders for next week:

    • PE is Tuesday, so all children will need their PE kits on Tuesday and they will leave them in school until the half term. They will be outside, so please make sure they have appropriate clothing for the weather -- hot or cold.
    • Please bring in your All About Me brown paper bags on Monday, so we can begin sharing them with each other.
    • Your children will be getting reading folders on Monday with their Boom Reader logins and a wordless picture book for you to read together at home. We check Boom Reader to make sure you have read the book and, if you have, we change the books on Mondays and Thursdays.
    • Please remember to select school dinner choice with your child before they enter in the morning.
    • Fruit is provided for snack. Please remember if you are giving your child a snack, one piece of fruit or some crackers/breadsticks are sufficient especially because lunch isn't long after snack.
    • And please put water in your child's water bottle as spills do frequently happen and squash can be sticky.

    We are all looking forward to the year ahead!

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