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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 4

Year 4 classes

Reading - 15 minutes everyday

Spelling test - Monday 

Multiplication quiz  - every morning   / TT Rockstars - practise at home

July 2024

  • 12.07.024

    Published 12/07/24, by Susan Tarpey

    This week, we completed our English CLPE book and discovered what happened to Chimwala once the slavers arrived in the village.  The children wrote some engaging recounts about the villagers' plan to hide from the slavers.

    In Maths, we investigated the use of graphs and how the information given is similar to a story.  We learnt how to plot the x and y-axis and how to decide the value of each interval.

    We have completed our DT project and sewed our patterns onto the wallets / purses.  We used a button as a fastening to keep the items inside safe.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!


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