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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 4

Year 4 classes

Reading - 15 minutes everyday

Spelling test - Monday 

Multiplication quiz  - every morning   / TT Rockstars - practise at home

May 2024

  • 24.05.24

    Published 24/05/24, by Susan Tarpey

    Spelling - girls', babies', boys', children's, men's, mice's, cats', ladies', women's, geese's, too (too fast)

    TT Rockstars - Please be reminded that the National Multiplication test will be happening in June and children would benefit from regular practice of their times tables.

    We had fun today performing out pentatonic scale through the 'Cowboy song'.

    In DT, we made delicious kibbeh (Syrian meatballs).  The children learnt some health and safety skills and were very capable at chopping and slicing.

    We finished our class- reader, The Wolf's Footprint in class.  Please ask the children about their view on the ending.

    Have a lovely half-term break.


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  • 17.05.24

    Published 13/05/24, by Susan Tarpey

    Spellings  accident, busy, actually, forward, eighth, guide, forwards, eighth, guide, forwards, possess, occasion, Wednesday, their (belongs to them)

    TT Rockstars - please practise Soundchecks

    In Art, we have been making some fantastic clay pots.

    Our English lesson consisted us writing our newspaper report which required an introduction, the full article and a conclusion about what might happen next.

    In Science, we tried to make a light blub light up without any instructions.  We also about electric inventors in our reading comprehension.

    We wrote a recipe on how to make kibbeh in DT and we are hoping to make it next week - YUM.



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  • 10.05.24

    Published 10/05/24, by Susan Tarpey

    Spellings: bicycle, bilingual biplane, biped, bicentennial, biannual, biceps, binoculars, bisect, biscuits, choose.

    TT Rockstars - please practise your timetables, especially on Soundchecks.

    Reading - you are all working towards your own reading targets.  Keep it up!

    In Science, we learnt about the amazing work of William Kamkwamba and how he used renewable energy to bring electricity into his village when he was only 14 years old.

    In Music, we have learnt a new song called the 'Cowboy song' that is based on the pentatonic scale.

    Maize delivered an inspirational quote to the class today, 'Don't cry, give it a try!'  

    Puzzle - I've used a present perfect phrase here, can you spot it1?

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  • 03.05.24

    Published 03/05/24, by Susan Tarpey

    Spellings - supermarket, superhero, superstar, superhuman, antiseptic, anticlockwise, antisocial, autobiography, autograph, automobile, our

    TT Rockstars - 15mins -  3 times a week

    Reading - 15mins every day - preferably aloud with someone.

    This week in Maths, we have been working on tenths in both decimals and fraction.  Explain to your adult at home the sum of 6 tenths and 8 tenths.

    We have started our new English CLPE book where we have discussed the characters of Elka and Daw.  We have inferred from the story so far that Elka is a mature and caring sister whilst Daw is younger and needs more help.

    In Science, we are learning about electricity and the different types of renewable energy.

    Keep an eye out on the school's Facebook page for the photos from Grafham Water.

    Hope you all have a good Bank Holiday weekend.




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