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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 6

October 2023

  • Friday 20th October

    Published 20/10/23, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion.  As it is half term, it would be good for you to complete extra questions on areas of Maths or English that you feel you need to revise.  We can see if you have logged on, what questions you have completed, and how successful you have been.  There is also a leader board where you can complete against others in the year group to see how well you are doing.  

    We have given out Times Tables Rockstars login reminders today, so you are free to log in at home to complete challenges and improve your multiplication and division skills.

    Your spellings this week are: category, correspond, environment, amateur, frequently, language, occur, queue, signature, twelfth.  Please ensure you know these and are ready for our quiz on the Monday back after half term.

    Over the holiday, remember to read each day and be ready to take a quiz on at least one book when we return to school on Monday 30th October.

    Have a lovely half-term.

    Mrs Purser and Mrs Walker

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  • Friday 13th October

    Published 13/10/23, by Kate Purser

    There are 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - please complete these by next Wednesday (watch the videos to help you answer the questions).  Remember to read every day for at least 20 minutes. We will be checking whether you have reached your half term target next week by looking at points gained from quizzes you have taken.  Make sure you know this week's spellings for your quiz on Monday.  They are: bruise, convenience, embarrass, forty, interrupt, occupy, aggressive, pronunciation, shoulder, thorough.

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  • Friday 6th October

    Published 06/10/23, by Kate Purser

    Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday.  Remember to read every day for at least 20 minutes, with 3 of these days reading aloud to an adult.  We will be looking at your reading progress in the final week of this half-term where we can see how many quizzes you have taken and passed.  This week was Dyslexia Awareness week - have a go at the spelling challenge in the attached document.

    Your spellings this week were:  achieve, programme, secretary, bargain, controversy, disastrous, temperature, foreign, interfere, nuisance.  Make sure you know these and are ready to be quizzed on them on Monday.

    This week in school, we have spoken to the children about entering the BBC 500 Words Writing Competition.  Information is included in the Weekly Newsletter - please encourage your child to enter and send in any stories to school where we will share them.

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