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Remote Learning Plan

In order to ensure that learning is continued, irrespective of lockdown and self-isolation, Buckden Church of England Primary School has developed the following plan. This plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and would require hard-copies of work and resources.

The DFE has allocated 2 devices for the entire school for our most vulnerable families or those the school feel would benefit from them in the case of a bubble closure we will not receive the devices till a bubble closes.

This plan will be applied in the following instances:

  1. An individual in isolating whilst they are awaiting a result of a test within the family. If the child is unwell then no work will be set.
  2. An individual is self-isolating because of a positive test within the household;
  3. A whole bubble or cohort is self-isolating because of an outbreak of coronavirus

In the event of any form of isolation and loss of learning caused by Coronavirus, parents must understand that engagement in home learning is compulsory, as is the expectation that Buckden Church of England Primary Academy makes that provision available and accessible to all. However, if children themselves are too ill to attend then they should not be expected to engage in home learning.