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Y6 Norfolk Lakes September 2023

Monday 4th September

We have arrived safely at Norfolk Lakes, had our packed lunch, settled into our rooms and are now out having lots of fun at our various activities.

Tuesday 5th September

We have all enjoyed a glorious morning out on the lakes. Some of us have been Canoeing and others on the Giant Stand -Up Paddleboard. Looking forward to our Campfire tonight.

We continued to do lots of fun activities this afternoon and enjoyed the sun set by the camp fire.

Wednesday 6th September

We are all looking forward to another action-packed day today where we will be doing some archery, a blind trail, caving, fencing and kayaking. The children have had lots of opportunities to develop their team work and problem-solving skills, they are developing their resilience, and we are all bonding really well as a year group. 

Thursday 7th September

Another sunny day packed full of activities and lots of fun on the water!

Friday 8th September

We have had a final morning at Norfolk Lakes, after lunch we put all our bags on the coach and we are on our way home.  We hope to be back at school for 3.20pm.