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At Buckden CE Primary School, we want to make sure that all our children do as well as they can and achieve their full potential. We achieve this through providing quality first teaching within the classroom which caters for the varying needs of the children within the class.

Sometimes, an intervention may be necessary to further support a child’s development either within a particular area of the curriculum or to help them develop their social skills, self-confidence or self-esteem. These interventions may be one to one or in small groups. The interventions that we regularly use are available below.

Children are identified for intervention using a range of methods that include data tracking, teacher assessment, classroom observation and informal observations based within the classroom and in the playground. It is important to note that children identified for interventions are not always our lower attaining children. Children are identified across a range of groups and are selected based on the needs of the child at that given point.

Below are a list of interventions available to support our children: