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Friday 5th October

Update on events this week


Last weeks spelling were- your, day, with, they, was

                                                his, but, big, get, had

                                                no, go, so, of, and 


this week in phonics we have been learning the sounds 'ure', 'air', 'er', 'ear'


In English this week we have been looking at the book 'How to find gold'. We wrote a book review of the story. We have learnt lots of facts about crocodiles. (MB)


We have been looking at the words more, greater than, fewer, less then , same and equal to. We have been doing things with these words (activities). The crocodiles remind us which way they go because the crocodile always eats the biggest number (AP)

Other subjects:

In science we have been learning about our senses and use our eyes to look at some interesting objects and we made an observational drawing. (JW)

We have been learning about the sounds 'er' (NR)

We have been looking on the blog (AP)

We have been learning about how to say things in Spanish like hola, excellente. (ET)

We have been colouring in the Spanish flag (MB)

We have been looking at seeing what moves. We designed a car. (AP)